👉😞Sad Quotes in Urdu | Sad Quotes with images – SaimWrites
The painful depths of human Emotions are beautifully expressed in Sad Quotes in Urdu . For individuals who have endured heartache, loss, or intense suffering, they provide comfort and understanding. We are reminded of the fragility of life and the anguish that comes with it by these statements, which are rife with unvarnished vulnerability. While they may cause us to shed a few tears and feel a bit down, they also have the capacity to unite us in our common humanity and give us a cathartic outlet for the feelings we frequently find difficult to express.
Read The best sad quotes in Urdu in below.

سبھی کے نیک ارادوں نے
کسی کی بےوفائی نے
صاف لفظوں میں خود کو بےوفا نہیں کہتے
بس بےوفائی آم ہو گئی ہے